Vision & Mission


Our Vision

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is a Christ-centred community aspiring for excellence in learning and teaching. We work in partnership with families, supporting and encouraging each child to make a positive difference to the world in which they live.

Our Mission

At St Mary’s we are committed to:

Reflecting Jesus and his teaching.

  • Recognising that Jesus Christ is central to our lives
  • Imparting values, Catholic beliefs, traditions and practices.
  • Rejoicing in our cultural diversity.

Providing a framework of positive relationships to support and encourage each child in their quest for excellence.

  • Fostering the integrity, self-esteem and dignity of each person.
  • Inspiring a positive vision for the future.
  • Promoting reconciliation.
  • Promoting an active partnership between home, parish, school and community.
  • Praise and encouragement of high, realistic expectations.

Quality teaching of the whole person in partnership with parents.

  • Promoting St Mary’s School as a place of learning and excellence.
  • Proving an atmosphere that is both stimulating and challenging and links faith and culture.
  • Fostering motivation, providing interesting leaning experiences, encouraging effort, recognising achievement and displaying enthusiasm for the curriculum.
  • Engaging parents to be active participants in the culture and community of school life.


School Strategic Plan 2023