

22 June 2023| Week 10

Upcoming Dates

  • 23rd June: Assembly led by Room 16 at 8.30 am
  • 23rd June: Last day of Term Two - Spirit Cup Fun Day
  • 17th July: Teachers return for Term Three
  • 18th July: Students return for Term Three
  • 14th September: School Concert
Event details will be updated on SchoolStream closer to the event date.
Please check the EVENTS tab regularly and add event details directly to your calendar!

Principal's News

Week 10, Term 2, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As we approach the final day of Semester One, I would like to thank our teachers, staff, students, and all families for a wonderful first semester. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the growth in each student and I am very proud of their achievements. Tomorrow morning at Assembly we get to acknowledge the exceptional growth of our students across the school in our Showcase of Stars. I also wish to acknowledge and applaud the passionate and dedicated teaching staff who have supported these students in their learning achievements.

Report Cards are ready to go out and have been sent home today. I have read each child’s Report Card and met with classroom teachers to discuss student’s learning opportunities for Semester Two. I have also enjoyed meeting with each of our teachers to discuss their professional development goals, reflect upon their gains, and identify areas for goal setting for Semester Two. I believe these conversations are excellent opportunities to ensure we are future orientated in our planning and create opportunities for reflection, feedback, and growth.

Tomorrow we farewell two of our much loved staff members, Christine Ferreira and Christina Trikoilis as they finish up work at St Mary’s to take maternity leave. We wish both Christine and Christina every blessing for this very special time as they and their families welcome a new little one into their family.

And as I mention babies arriving, we heard of the safe arrival of Miss Tiss’ beautiful little girl, Willa Joan on the 29th May.

Tomorrow, we finish Term 2 with a Spirit Cup Pyjama fun day. It is during these days that I reflect that St Mary’s is an exceptional Catholic Primary School and offers outstanding academic, social and wellbeing support of all student’s learning. It certainly is a privilege to be part of the St Mary’s School family.
Enrolments for 2024 Transition: Enrolments from families outside of our existing families are now open for 2024. Existing families of St Mary’s are encouraged to return enrolment forms as soon as possible to ensure places are kept for our existing families.

An enrolment pack is available online from our website or alternatively from the front office in Lindsay Street. Children who are born between 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019, are eligible for entry into the 2024 Transition class.

We farewell Miguel (Room 16) and family; Seleena (Room 5) and family; Lachlan (Room 14) and Charlotte (Room 16) and family; Yundi (Room 11) and Wendy (Room 6) and family who leave our school community this week.

And don't forget Pyjama Day tomorrow.........

In faith and love,

Rosie Harrison

Prayer for the End of the School Term

We thank you Lord, for this term.
For the challenges, the successes,
and mistakes from which we have learnt.
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right;
to be witnesses of our faith.
Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays,
to appreciate what others do for us,
to give time and effort to help others,
to be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us save in our activities;
give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents
and a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives. Amen

Religious Education News

The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: On 24th of June we celebrate the feast of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. The Gospel reading of this feast is Luke 1:57-66.
Some scholars today suggest that before his own public ministry Jesus was a follower of John the Baptist and that it was John who nurtured the call to ministry within Jesus and encouraged him to respond to that call. Regardless of whether or not this was the case, John and Jesus were cousins and the image that we have from the infancy narratives of Luke is that their mothers – Mary and Elizabeth – were very close and we can assume that Jesus and John were equally close and spent a lot of time together growing up. John’s decision to go out into the wilderness to live an ascetic lifestyle must have made a big impact on his cousin.
John’s ministry was a ministry to the Jewish people only. It was a call to them to repent and return to God’s ways. The baptism that he encouraged people to undertake was a baptism of repentance – different from our Christian understanding of Baptism. For John and his followers, the call to baptism was a call to acknowledge one’s wrongdoing and, through the baptism in the river Jordan, to be cleansed ready to recommit to living in right relationship with God.

When John announced Jesus as the one coming after him, he recognised that Jesus would take John’s own ministry to a new level. Whereas John’s message was for the Jews alone, the message of Jesus was for all people – Jew and Gentile alike. John’s simple existence – apparently surviving on locusts and wild honey – is in stark contrast to the feast of the reign of God that Jesus heralds. Rather than John’s call to prepare the way of the Lord, Jesus called all people to live the way of the Lord.

Some questions to reflect on. Why is John the Baptist regarded as such an important figure in Christian tradition?

In what way is the image of voice, or loss of voice, relevant to the story of John the Baptist?

How was John’s ministry a preparation for the coming of Jesus?

Who are the people in your life whose ‘voice’ you really listen to?

In what ways are you a ‘voice’ for the message of Jesus?

Identify a person who inspires you. How do their words and actions call you to be a better person – more than you would otherwise be?

The gospel says that John grew up and ‘his spirit matured’. Compile a list of ways in which our spirit is assisted to grow and mature (e.g. people, events, activities).

Journey In Faith Units: This semester students have been exploring the units of God Us and Faith and Sacred Texts. Across the school, students have learned many different things especially the significance of the bible in the Catholic faith. Here are some images of RE work across the school.

Next semester students will explore the units Prayer and Sacramentality, Moral Life and Church for the World.

Clare Nolan
Religious Education Co-ordinator

News from Room 11

Child Care Subsidy

Some information regarding changes to Child Care Subsidy.

Kiss and Go

As we strive to ensure the safety and efficiency of our daily drop-off and pick-up routines at St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, I am writing to remind you of the "Kiss and Go" rules and the importance of adhering to them.

The Kiss and Go Zone, located on Cavenagh Street, plays a crucial role in maintaining a smooth flow of traffic during these busy periods. It allows parents to drop off or pick up their children quickly and safely, minimising congestion and ensuring the well-being of all students. Please take the time to review our school Kiss and Go video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=8p3NoK0xSFU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stmarysnt.catholic.edu.au%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo

To reiterate, the Kiss and Go Zone operates during the following times (please refer to signage):
Morning Drop-off: 8:00 am - 8:30 am
Afternoon Pick-up: 2:35 pm - 3:05 pm

During these designated times, it is essential to observe the following guidelines:

No Parking: Please remember that parking is strictly prohibited within the Kiss and Go zone during its operational hours. This is enforced by Darwin City Council and is in place to maintain a steady flow of vehicles and ensure the safety of all students. Stopping briefly to drop off or pick up your child is permitted, but please refrain from parking, entering the school and leaving your vehicle unattended. Please note that vehicles left unattended are subject to parking fines.If you prefer to park and walk your child to the school gate, please use the Lindsay Street student entrance.

Efficient Drop-off/Pick-up: When using the Kiss and Go zone, we kindly request that you pull up as far forward as possible to allow other parents to access the area efficiently. This simple gesture helps prevent unnecessary congestion and delays.

Stay Alert and Patient: As the Kiss and Go zone can become busy, it is crucial to exercise caution and remain patient while waiting for your turn. Be mindful of pedestrians, other parents and ensure the safety of all students and staff members. If the zone is full, do a lap around the block until you are able to safely enter the line.

By adhering to these rules, we can collectively create a safer and more streamlined drop-off and pick-up experience for everyone involved. We deeply appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain an environment that prioritises the well-being of our students.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Kiss and Go zone or any other matter related to St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.

Remember to always "choose safety, over convenience".

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Academic Reports Semester One

Semester One reports have been emailed out to parents today. Reports have been send to the email address kept on file at the school. Please ensure that you have checked your spam or junk folders for an email from 'St Mary's Catholic Primary School'. If you have not received your child's report, please email admin.stmarys@nt.catholic.edu.au.

Spirit Cup Fun Day

Congratulations students of St Mary's for reaching our Term 2 goal of 75,000 points!!


School Canteen Services Update

We are excited to announce a new update to our school canteen online ordering and services that will make ordering your favorite foods during recess easier than ever before. Starting this term, our canteen will offer a new "Recess" ordering service that will allow you to pre-order your child's snacks and fruits for the recess break.

To accommodate this change our existing "2nd Break" service has been updated to "Lunch" service.

Like our existing service orders need to be placed before 8:40 am each day via the Flexischools platform (see instructions at the end of this newsletter). The menu options will be available on the school app and will include a range of healthy and delicious options that cater to all tastes and dietary requirements. Once the orders are received, the canteen staff will prepare the food and have it ready for students to pick up during the designated recess eating time at 10.40am.

We believe that this new service will help reduce waiting times at the canteen and ensure that students have more time to enjoy their recess break. By ordering ahead of time, students will also have a greater selection of food options to choose from, and can rest assured that their preferred meals and snacks will be available when they arrive at the canteen.

Throughout Term 2 we will be aiming to phase out all window cash sales.

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us, and we will do our best to incorporate them into our future plans.
QR quote

Year 7, 2024

Music News


2023 School Terms

Term 1, 2023 Monday, 30 January 2023 - staff return
Wednesday, 1 February 2023 - students return
Thursday, 6 April 2023 - last day term one

Term 2, 2023 Monday, 17 April to Friday, 23 June 2023

Term 3, 2023 Monday, 17 July 2023 - staff return
Tuesday, 18 July 2023 - students return
Friday, 22 September 2023 - last day term three

Term 4, 2023 Monday, 9 October 2023
Thursday, 14 December 2023 - last day for students
Friday, 15 December 2023 - last day for staff

Download School Stream


Why download the App?

  • Receive instant notifications for important news and classroom updates.
  • Complete permission and absentee forms.
  • Keep up to date with events and save event details directly to your own calendar.
  • Order from our school canteen.
Don’t forget to turn your notifications on – so you don’t miss any important notices!

Want to avoid fees when topping up your Flexischools account?

Click below to download a step-by-step guide on how to top up your Flexischools account without a surcharge via Electronic Bank Transfer
To streamline processes across the school, in 2023 we are only accepting online orders for lunches.
All families need to set up an account for online ordering through Flexischools, which is linked directly in the School Stream App. Details on how to set up an account can be found in the “CANTEEN” tab of School Stream. There is no need to download the Flexischools App, it can all be accessed from the School Stream App.

You can find the Canteen menu in School Stream. Please note daily orders close at 8.40am. Any orders received after this time, will be fulfilled subject to availability of stock and may be substituted for a basic sandwich.

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